Saturday, October 13, 2012

75.5 to go!! Whoop Whoop!

Did not post yesterday because it was a busy day but at least I have a 4.5 lb weight loss this week to make up for it! So excited.  I was worried that I wasn't going to have as great of a week as I did last week because I can't be expecting more than 1 or 2 lbs per week but 4 lbs? I'll take it!

Yesterday I spent the morning at the laundromat washing my comforter.  It's king size and doesn't exactly get "clean" in a top load washer and I made the mistake of spending $40 to have it cleaned at the dry cleaners.  Plus who wants to sleep in a stiff, icky chemical smelling comforter anyway.  So I hit up the laundromat with my coffee, luna bar, and Women's Health magazine and it was quite peaceful actually.  Had the whole place to myself.

I also managed to get a run in in the afternoon but did not use my Couch to 10k app.  I'm still trying to get comfortable with a straight 30-35 minute run before I move on but I'm ok with that so for now I'm sticking with Week 8 Day 3 and maybe Monday I'll move on to Day 4.  We'll see.

I also didn't want to push it too much since I pulled a Michael Scott an hour before my run; improper carbo loading at lunch.  I had a Fettuccini Alfredo Lean Cuisine for lunch.  Not a good idea.  This was me... Michael Scott Carbo Load  LOL (But only 250 calories!  Kind of tasted like soap so didn't even finish it though.)

And then last night was another test of willpower.  Johnny's brother's birthday is this weekend so we had cake last night.  Before dinner.  Well they had cake, I had 2 or 3 bites of Johnny's and then a burrito bowl from Chipotle for dinner.  I felt like I ate wayyy too much and was worried about the scale this morning but I still rocked it!

And now I'd like to take this time to give Mr. Johnny DiTommaso a shout out for so kindly building my new tv cabinet last night.  We powered through the bubble guts (cake and chipotle), and successfully translated the directions and we did it!  Thanks, Sugar Bear! 
Roseanne of course.  Best episode EVER. "Stash from the Past"

1 comment:

  1. Nice new tv cabinet!

    Excellent job with the weight loss!!!! Keep up the great work! :)
