Thursday, October 11, 2012


Ouch ouch ouch! Yesterday's 5k in the cold really kind of kicked my ass today. Probably has something to do with the fact that I didn't stretch at all afterward. On my Couch to 10k program you are supposed to run every other day so that your body has a chance to recover. Well I haven't been doing that. I've been pounding the pavement 6 days a week and moving on to the next run each time. Well not today. Today my legs hurt a lot and I just couldn't get warmed up enough to increase my running time so I planned on running last nights 35 min 5k again. Well, I ended up alternating running and walking 2 or 3 times. I probably walked a total of 6 minutes and ran the other 29 which is what it is. I need to make sure to listen to my body and repeat runs if I have to until I feel comfortable enough to move on to the next one. Despite hurting I did it anyway and that's what's important.

For breakfast I had some Quaker Apple Cinnamon oatmeal and my coffee with Splenda and sugar free hazelnut creamer. (164 calories)

Hungry for a midmorning snack so I had a banana (besides the big black bruised part. Ick)-110 calories

Lunch: Salisbury Steak Lean Cuisine with potatoes and carrots (270 calories)

Snack: honey crisp apple and a string cheese (160 calories)

704 calories total so far... Dinner tonight is going to be easy and just a 6 inch subway ham Sammy with pepper jack, lettuce, tomato, onion, hot giardinierra, seasonings (520 calories) and maybe just maybe their fruit and yogurt parfait depending on hunger level. That would put me slightly over my calorie allowance but I never calculate my cardio into my calorie allowance so I don't think it would kill me. We shall see.

It hasn't been a very fun week this week. Too many unexpected things have happened that have ruined/changed plans and frankly I've been drained. I'm still working on getting into a running routine and it seems like 5am is the best time for me to run. There aren't many things that can come up at 5am to prevent me from running. Aside from my own lazy ass refusing to get out of bed. I really need to work on it because it would be nice to just relax after work at 6:30/7 and not have to get in a run and a shower and then after I finally eat I'm so tired.... 5 am it is. FUCK!

Better get warm running clothes this weekend for those 35 degree mornings.

Feeling like such a negative nelly. Need to go back to writing positives from the day:

Pit of the Day: I need new tshirts. Just tshirts to run in. I used to have a million and now I can never find ONE!

Perk of the Day: 1. I got my run in this afternoon and it was beautiful out! 67 degrees probably and sunny. (we won't focus on how I struggled) 2. Tomorrow is Friday! Sleep is just around the corner! 3. Got 3 loads of laundry done today and washed my sheets so they are ready for my Saturday Sleep Fest!

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