Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Stop being a caterpillar!

Two posts in one day?! I even impress myself sometimes!  This morning I said I was going to blog each morning about the previous day, but obviously I've already fucked that up. I could have sat on my ass all morning with my coffee and read other blogs, watched The Today show (aka caught up on Real Housewives of Wherever) and composed my own blog but there's other shit to be done unfortunately.  I'll blog when I blog and that's that. Now that that's settled...

I have a bridal shower to go to on Saturday so you know what that means?  I have to find something to wear.  I have a closet full of clothes, most of which don't fit and those that do I have worn a billion times already.  So after work today I made my way over to Old Navy. Because they have cute stuff.  Because it's cheap.  Because they have fat girl sizes.  ding ding ding!  I went looking for a dress and go figure, barely any dresses.  And the dresses that they DID have all had horizontal stripes.  Not even kidding.  So the dress plan quickly went to shit so I began trying on the next logical thing...skinny jeans. !?!?!?!?!  Again, not even kidding.  Not just any skinny jeans, but the "rock star" skinny jeans.  I'm sure the name alone should have told me to stay away but what can I say, apparently I'm a moron.  I was too mesmerized by this cute mannequin at the front of the store with brightly colored "rock star" skinny jeans on, a cute dark blazer and those new denim-ish flowy tops.  I bought the outfit.  In multiple colors.  Does it look cute?  That's still up for debate.  I need to figure out shoes, accessories, etc. and see if I can pull this off but the fact that I'm doubting it probably means don't.

Too late.  $240 too late. (Don't worry I'm planning on returning some things...)

Anyways, I don't even need to go into how the dressing room is the most terrible place on Earth.  That's common knowledge.  Unless you're a skinny bitch, but then what do you know really?  Well today was no different.  Dressing room sucked.  It made me want to just go home and sit on my couch with some pizza and the remote.  A normal person would maybe leave feeling motivated to go and workout after seeing their short, fat, pasty self, but not me.  I bought the clothes anyway hoping that somewhere inside the 3 bags there would be a decent outfit for Saturday and then I went home...

AND RAN!  Yep. I did it anyway.  ANYWAY!  I remembered reading a quote from another blog earlier today that said "You have to want to be a butterfly so badly, that you are willing to stop being a caterpillar."  Well damn it, this caterpillar didn't just buy skinny jeans for nothing! I went out and did Week 6, Day 2 of Couch to 10K and it was a good run.  No shin splints.  :) More importantly, no skunk attacks.  I was worried a skunk was going to jump out from the shadows and attack because we've been having some skunk problems in the neighborhood but don't worry, I'm safe.  We can all sleep peacefully tonight.

Breakfast: Folgers KCup, Sugar Free Caramel Macchiato creamer, 2 sucralose, Iced Cinnamon Raisin Luna Bar-214 calories

Lunch: English muffin with vegetable spread, Honey crisp apple, Yoplait light Vanilla yogurt-330 calories

Dinner: Burrito bowl from Chipotle-Brown rice, steak, mild salsa, guacamole, lettuce, tobasco sauce-525 calories

Snacks: Sargento string cheese, handful of mini pretzels-190

Total Calories:1239
Goal Calories: 1260

Workout: Couch to 10K Week 6, Day 2

Here's Proof

Water: 64 oz

Perks of the Day: 1. Bill and Giuliana are back on television tonight.  I love them.  I love all reality tv really but they are the cutest. Loves it.  2. I ran today even when I didn't really want to. 3. My autumn harvest candle from Target is making my apartment smell heavenly and helping to mask the stink from last night's crock pot pulled pork.

Pit of the Day: Dressing room.  Enough said.

Oh yeah so I took some measurements of my body.  Hopefully I was accurate and hopefully I measure in the same place next time and see those bad boys get smaller.  Not sure if I am going to post the numbers just yet or keep track of them myself.  Ooooh the suspense.

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