Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Only 87 lbs to go!

Don't get it twisted.  I didn't blog yesterday but I have a good reason.  By 10:30 I was ready to pass out and I knew I couldn't/shouldn't get in the habit of blogging half unconscious.  So I THINK what I will do is blog each morning about the previous days events, that way I can blog about any late night stomach growls, craving, midnight snacking (hopefully few and far between), etc.

So yesterday was my official first day of the rest of my life.  Still corny. Overall it was a great first day and a damn good start.  I am tracking my meals and calories using the Fitness Pal app on my IPhone and am thinking about alternating running using the Couch to 10K Iphone App and working out with the Zumba DVDs.

Date: Monday, October 1, 2012
Pounds from Goal: 87 lbs

Breakfast: Folgers Coffee KCup, 2 Tb Coffee-Mate Sugar Free Caramel Macchiato creamer, 2 packets sucralose (generic Splenda), White Chocolate Macadamia Luna Bar (delicious!)
224 calories

Lunch: Salad from Mariano's (Spring mix, spinach, carrots, onions, tomatoes, hard boiled egg, feta cheese with organic fat free french dressing)
155 calories
Not going to lie...this salad was not good.  Something about it tasted dirty and I probably only ate half, if that.  I'm going to have to find a good salad with some protein that works for me and can be my go-to salad.  This was not it.

Dinner: Homemade BBQ Pulled pork sandwich on a hamburger bun, cup of fresh steamed broccoli 523 calories (I logged 1.5 sandwiches even though I only ate 1 but I did not measure the amount of BBQ pork so I would rather overestimate than underestimate)

Snacks: Honey crisp apple, 7 Tostito chips (1 serving), 3 Tb guacamole
 310 calories

Daily Calorie Goal: 1260
Total Calories Consumed: 1212

Oz of H20: 64 oz

Workout: Couch to 10K Week 6 Day 1 (I use the IPhone App)
-5 min warm up, 10 min run, 5 min walk, 10 min run, 5 min Cool Down
(I have been running off and on for the past couple of weeks and did not start at Day 1 of 10K app)

Evidence of my run and proof that Fall is here.

# of Steps Taken: Goal of 10,000

Worst Part of the Day: Terrible shin splints during my run today.  I had to stop and walk for about 45 seconds-1 min twice and try and shake em off.  I think I need to invest in some proper running shoes.

Best Part of the Day: I was really hungry around 4 oclock today.  Like so hungry I wanted to eat my arm.  But did I eat my arm?! NO!  Did I go to a fast food place and just grab a quick little something?! HELL NO!  Go me!  I drank some water in hopes of fighting the hunger and made a mental note to pack a couple of small snack options in my purse.

Also...Da Bears crushed the Cowboys 34-18 and it was an amazing game!

Today I felt... Determined!

P.S. Mondays will be the day that I weigh myself.  I thought Fridays or Saturdays so that I could maybe have a little cheat meal (DAY!) on the weekend but why should I start off by making excuses ahead of time?  I'm sticking with Mondays in hopes that I will continue to hold myself accountable even on the weekends.  So suck that, scale!

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