Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So close...and yet so far.

I finally did it. Sort of. I have been stuck on the same 35 minute run on my Couch to 10K app and today while I was out running (doing the same 35 minutes) I thought to myself "I'm going to keep going. I think the next run in the program is 40 minutes so I'm going to run through the 5 minute cool down. I can do this!". And I did. My legs hurt so bad. I haven't been able to sit without cringing or go down the stairs without moaning since I did ONE DAY of Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. But I kept going. I was glad I pushed myself. As the 40 minutes came to an end, I was excited to check off the next run on my app. The run I have been putting off for two weeks. And then as I looked down at the app on my phone and went to check off the fete, I saw it. Week 9 Day 1 is a 43 minute run! FORTY THREE MINUTES! Not 40!!! Mother F'er. So close and yet so far. Still stuck at Week 8 Day 3... Until next time.

I was really proud of this run today regardless of being short 3 minutes. I wanted to stop and didn't think I'd be able to move ahead but I kept going.

And I've been proud of it all day...until I ate pizza and a small piece of birthday cake. :-/

But it's ok. The rest of the day was crazy and hectic and I barely got breakfast in (some pieces of honey ham) and grabbed a quick lunch out the door (more honey ham, string cheese, an apple, another coffee and some water) and that was it. Tomorrow I need to do better planning. I'm not worried about the scale going UP this week but I sure hope it goes down. We'll see. Still a few more days in the week to crank it up a notch. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some feeling back in my legs.

*i didn't take a pic of my run today because I was too busy telling myself to keep moving so I took a post-run pic. Not flattering but evidence.

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