Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Not exactly according to plan...

Today I experienced something that I don't think has ever happened before. I was so pissed because my running plans got messed up for the day. Pissed off! About running! Me! It's starting to get pretty chilly here and I have yet to stock up on winter weather running gear so 5am runs are looking pretty sucky so I was going to run today around 10am when it started to warm up. Well that didn't happen. I ended up having to go into downtown Chicago today which was fine (beautiful sunshine and I got to do a little walking on Michigan Ave) but had I known I would have brought my new running shoes and ran in the city while I had an hour or so to myself but my dumbass was wearing Uggs. Anyways, the last minute trip into the city also threw a curve ball into my eating plans. I ended up eating Corner Bakery for lunch and had half of a chicken pesto sandwich and 1/2 wonton Asian salad with water. (458 calories). Not too bad since I had my usual coffee and Luna bar for breakfast (224 calories). I was ready to crawl out of my skin come 4 pm and was really getting bummed about my run. I had a 5k run scheduled and really wanted to run at my favorite forest preserve but it closes at dusk and there was no way I could pull if off since its now getting dark at 6pm. Anyways I took a chill pill and decided to make the best of it. After getting out of work late I went home at 6:30, changed into my running things and just went for a run outside around my boyfriends neighborhood. It was a pretty decent run but I did have to circle back a couple of times because I'm not 100% familiar with all of the side streets and certain areas were pitch black. Wasn't feeling it. But I did it. I earned my Couch to 10k "5k badge" today. Hip hip! Hooray! Then I came in to a nice grilled chicken breast, some broccoli and a salad for dinner. What a great boyfriend. (288 calories...probably more because the chicken breast was probably more than 4 oz)

Now I'm super super exhausted. I wish I could sleep 10 straight hours. 15 really but I'd settle for 10. Zzzzz...

Here are a couple random pics from the day:

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