Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Sweetest Day!

Because of a packed schedule, yesterday became my rest day and no run for me. Apparently I had plenty of time to eat though. Not that I went crazy exactly but I did not use my fitnesspal app as much as I should have this week and I'm afraid it's going to show on the scale tomorrow. Last night we went to my parents' to see the family and for homemade pizza dinner (wine too). Damn good homemade pizza. Normally I would eat like 8-10 pieces, last night I had probably 6. Progress? Hours later I also may have had a ham and cheese sandwich and some pita chips and hummus. Not a good idea at 1 am before bed.

Today I knew I had to bust my ass so I got my ass out there and completed Week 9 Day 2 of Couch to 10K. I did NOT want to go out and do it but I did. Getting out there and starting is hands down the hardest part. It seemed a teensy bit easier this time around than Week 9 Day 1 I completed Thursday which was the same run.

When I was finished I came back to the apartment and Johnny and I made a lovely breakfast for Sweetest Day. Ok not for Sweetest Day, I just wanted some hashbrowns. Don't judge because I logged all of the breakfast and it was more of a brunch. Filled me up for the rest of the day until it was time for dinner so it was worth the whopping 550 calories. :)

Dinner was much lighter and healthier since I splurged at "brunch". Grilled chicken, steamed broccoli, spinach and mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette dressing and even though watermelon is in the following picture it tasted like ass so was not eaten. I guess watermelon season is over. Wah waah waaaaah! :(

Also had a couple spoonfuls of sugar free chocolate pudding (a container is like 70 calories and I only had 1/2) but other than that, done eating for the day and focusing on eliminating snacks after dinner. Kitchen is closed!

Pit of the Day: nothing was on tv. This sounds very lazy ass of me but I can't tell you the last time that we just sat down on the couch and watched tv for hours. Just relaxxxxxxed. Today was the day and I enjoyed every second of it (until I accidentally deleted the whole entire DVR of recorded shows) and I didn't feel guilty about sitting on my ass since I ran about 3.5 miles this morning.

Perk of the Day: new iPhone headphones with microphone for Sweetest Day today. Hopefully I won't lose these ones for awhile. :)

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