Friday, October 5, 2012

Say no to pizza!

Today was a crappy day so sorry for the lack of a post.  Not a bad eating day, just all the other crap that life has to offer. Feeling very weak at the moment as well.  Not physically weak, but mentally.  I'm an emotional eater.  I use food to celebrate, to grieve, to relieve stress, to cure boredom, to comfort me when I'm lonely... right now a pizza would be my bff.  But I'm fighting the urge and fighting the craving because I know I will feel guilty, miserable and terrible afterward. Just not worth it.

And tomorrow's a new day and like the above quote reads, I am the one who determines my own destiny and creates my own happiness.  No one else.

Under my calorie goal of 1200 and woke up at 5 am this morning to run Week 7 Day 2 of Couch to 10K.  Earned my 3k runner badge. :)

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