Friday, October 26, 2012

Have I mentioned today is Friday?!?!

I may have left my coffee at home this morning but that's not enough to break my spirit today because... It's FRIDAY! I live for Fridays! I long for Fridays! Fridays mark the return of my sanity (at least I'd like to believe so) and SLEEP! Shout out to Friday! HOLLA!!

Ok enough already.  :) Yesterday was a really good day.  Nothing super special or major, just one of those days where everyone and everything seem to be on the same page and headed in the same direction.  Affirmation that the future is bright as long as we keep reaching for it.  That's all someone can really hope for.  Not going to lie, the beginning of the week I didn't have very good days.  I was losing it mentally and breaking down 2-3 nights in a row.  Even now as I write this I can't put my finger on why (no, not my period).  I think it just comes down to communication.  It wasn't as if I felt as if I wasn't being heard, it was more of I wasn't able to express myself the way I wanted to and it was physically and mentally exhausting.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and feelings but has to be given the chance to express them without judgement.  I'm sure I'm guilty of not wanting to hear someone else's opinion.  Hell, I know I'm guilty of it.  Believe it or not, confrontation scares me.  It makes me mentally want to shut down and keep my feelings inside until they just explode. (Eureka.  Maybe that's what happened this week.) What exactly am I getting at here?  I'm not sure.  But all I know is that this personal journey that I've started to better myself physically will ultimately better every aspect of my life.  I won't feel as insecure as I often to.  I will have the confidence to tell someone how I feel without fear of being shut out or rejected because I won't need their validation, I will have my own.  I will fill my life with happiness and it will ultimately outshine any darkness and negativity that weighs on my heart.

Have I mentioned today is Friday?!?! Ok sorry, snapping myself out of the seriousness for a second! :)

Yesterday was a good eating day too.  Another fruit and yogurt parfait from McDs which is so tasty I can't take it.  I have a moment of sadness when it's all gone. :(

For lunch I had some chicken noodle soup from Mariano's.  Pretty tasty and low calories.  I think I need to start making my own soup.  In fact...yesterday I checked my mail for the first time in almost two weeks (bad, I know) and was thrilled to find...

I have a Cooking Light subscription and often flip through and mark recipes that look interesting but then I rarely make them.  However, this edition is like the best of the best and I want to make a bunch of things! Like loaded baked potato soup, a couple chocolate desserts, some mongolian beef stir fry, burgers... Monday will be my first Cooking Light dinner.  Mark.  My.  Words.

And like I've said before my runs are becoming a bit more difficult for me so I'm trying to run every other day and get in another workout in place of running so yesterday I did ZUMBA!  What Amy told me the other night about her leg muscles getting huge and her upper-body being nonexistent scared me so I think on my non-running days I'm going to do Zumba strength training.  I have both the old and new Zumba DVDs and it took me awhile to get used to the new ones because they are SO different but I actually do really like to do the cardio of those but I don't dig the new strength training as much.  It's divided into two 25-30 minute parts.  The first part is great but then the 2nd half is strength training with a chair in the middle of the room.  Backstreet Boy style, dancing around it, straddling it, spinning it, etc.  My place is not big enough for those shenanigans and I just can't get into it soooooo I did the older version of the strength training which is good and I think other days I'll do the first half of the newer version and then do the Zumba ab dvd or something.  We'll see.

Beto and his bitches shakin' their toning sticks.

Dinner was a 6 inch ham sub from Subway and some sour cream and onion baked lays.  They didn't have BBQ baked lays.  BBQ are wayyyyy better.  Oh and a beef jerkey stick at about 8:30/9 pm because I was hungry! But only 80 calories!

Ok that's all for now.  I need to start getting on with the day as much as I'd like to just sit here on my couch and soak up the weekend.  Have I mentioned it's Friday?!? :)  And I have a big run this afternoon.  More intervals but instead of 10 minute runs....12 minute runs! I can do it!!!

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