Sunday, October 14, 2012

Chin up!

This is the WORST part of the weekend.  Sunday night when it's time to start getting ready for bed and time to start another week. Boooooooooooo.  I hate it.  Makes me so crabby. Ok enough complaining, trying to be more positive...

This weekend was nice; Birthday celebrations, tv cabinet building, free cheese knife at Sam's Club (why give away knives of all things, not sure), much needed sleep, Real Housewives of New Jersey... but I kind of ate like poo.  Yesterday AND today.  Nothing crazy bananas but I just wasn't in control exactly.  No calorie counting and I didn't really say "no" to much.  Slutty eating you might say.  That birthday cake that I was so proud that I didn't eat Friday? I ate a piece Saturday.  I also snacked late night Saturday and had two helpings at dinner Sunday and more dessert.  None of it was even worth it. I noticed tonight that I haven't missed this full icky belly feeling the past two weeks.  I haven't felt "gross" in a couple weeks and its been nice.  Let me tell you the feeling of waking up in the morning (preferably on a Saturday where you get to actually sleep in) and then stretching in your bed feeling physically stronger and maybe even a little bit SMALLER than the day before? Now that's a good feeling.  Much better than the "why did I eat that?" feeling.  Still working on training the brain to eat food that my body needs and not feed it what my brain wants.  There's a big difference there.

I did not run yesterday because we had plans to go to this Fall Fest with my niece and nephew and family but it was raining and plans feel through and call this a lame excuse but I was already showered with makeup did and I did not want to run and then have to shower again so yesterday was my day "off" and today I ran.  It was pouring outside but out I went.  I'm STILL at the 5k run on my Couch to 10k program and that's still ok with me.  I'm just going to keep at it and one day it will be a little bit easier and I'll add on some more time or distance.  Maybe as the lbs come off I will be able to push myself more.  Not being discouraged
Running in the rain.

This was waiting for me when I got back from my run in the rain.  What a guy.

So here's to a new week and another 7 day opportunity to make good choices, move my fat ass, and be thankful for the great things I have in my life.  And let's hope the first 5 days go by fucking fast because I could already use another weekend!!

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