Sunday, October 7, 2012

Only 80 lbs to go!

That's right, folks. 7 lbs down!!! I know it's not Monday, the day I planned on telling the scale to "suck it" but yesterday I got impatient.  I wanted to know if my calorie counting, 5 a.m. running and dessert neglecting was making an actual difference.  AND IT IS!  I stepped on the scale Saturday morning and I was down 7 lbs.  That's 7 lbs in 5 days.  I know this is not what can be expected every week but it's a nice little motivator to keep going and continue doing what I'm doing.  And the kicker is, it's not that fucking hard.  Granted I'm only running 2 miles at a time now and I plan on going up to 6.2 miles (Couch to 10k) but this time around is definitely different than the last time I lost 60 lbs.  I'm less hungry because I'm actually eating. If at 10:30 am I'm hungry and I've already eaten breakfast at 7am, I eat something.  Not a bacon egg and cheese bagel from McDs (yum!) but I'll grab an apple and a couple of pieces of ham.  Or I'll chug some water to see if really I'm just thirsty.  I eat.   What a concept.

Last time I lost weight I was running 4-5 miles 5-6 days a week and barely eating.  I ate a baked potato for dinner many nights.  A handful of grapes here. A bowl of cereal.  That's about it.  Definitely not healthy.  The weight came off pretty quickly, don't get me wrong.  But here I am a few years later with most of it back.  I weighed myself everyday back then and I expected the number to go down EVERY day.  Even if it was 1/2 or 1/4 of a lb, I wanted to see a smaller number.  I don't expect that this time nor do I want that this time.  I want to lose this weight in a way that I can maintain for the rest of my life.  Do I expect to run 8 miles 5 days a week when I'm 40 years old? Probably not.  But I would like to be a runner.  I'd like to make conscious healthy eating choices, treat myself once in a while and run 3 miles 5 days a week.  Here I am planning on how I'm going to "maintain" and I still have 80 lbs to go. haha.  I guess it's never a bad thing to have a plan.

Anyways, I was really excited and honestly relieved to see the number on the scale.  Affirmation.  Encouragement to keep going.  And that's what I did.  I had a bridal shower yesterday for my friend Jackie.  My first big party full of food temptation.  My chance to blow it.  There was lots of wine and yes I did pour half a glass (probably 4 oz) of red wine into my glass, had two sips or so and that was it. Willpower.  Who knew.  Then came the buffet.  I had a thin chicken breast, a big helping of salad with a balsamic dressing (not the ranch dressing), some roasted veggies and that was it.  Skipped the pasta salad and skipped the rice.  The food was good and the party was beautiful.  And you bet your ass I won a prize in one of the two games.  I wasn't going home empty handed.  I won a nice red spatula and a red silicone trivet.  Both of which my kitchen needs!

Oh yeah...dessert.  The cake looked AMAZING and the waitstaff at the restaurant put a piece down in front of everyone.  I ate mine.  All but two pieces. (That way I could say I didn't eat the whole thing! Duh.)  It was amazing.  From Mariano's (shout out!) where they make their own buttercream.  Yum.  Anyways here is my reasoning and yes I feel like I have to justify. A) It was 1 pm in the afternoon so if I was going to have dessert/sweets at any point in the day it was better to have it then than at 8, 9, 10 pm.  I had the rest of the day to "burn it off".  2. Johnny and I had dinner plans with friends to go to an Italian restaurant that we'd been wanting to try.  I already had decided that I was NOT going to get pasta or any red meat.  I was going to behave.  Or at least try.  So what the hell.  I ate the cake and it was fucking delicious.

Which brings me to our date night.  Such a good time we had with our friends Talie and Kevin.  We went to Agio Italian Bistro in Palatine and it was really good.  As coincidence would have it I was talking to some of my friends at the bridal shower earlier and they had gone to Agio the night before for dinner and told me that they heard that the salmon was amazing.  Yeah that's right.  I said Salmon.  As in the FISH.  So what did I end up ordering at Agio?!  Fettuccine Alfredo.  JUST KIDDING.  I ordered the fucking salmon.  I did.  I sure did.  I like shrimp.  I like crab.  Lobster and scallops too.  Even squid.  But fish is not my friend.  But we're going to be.  Because I said so.  I ordered the salmon which was over a risotto of some type and it wasn't too shabby.  I ate it and would even order fish again, the thing is at such an expensive restaurant I should at least get something I enjoy.  Something healthy but I at least want to get something out of it.  You know what I'm saying?  Anyways, I also had the caprese salad (tomato slices, fresh mozzarella, some basil and some balsamic).  And two glasses of red wine.  Sue me.  At least I didn't have it at the bridal shower.  And I ate fish! Remember?!?!

After dinner went to the movies and saw Taken 2. It was alright. Very short, only an hour and a half and not very suspenseful.  But not terrible.  Important thing is we had a great time with Kevin and Talie and can't wait to hang out with them again.

Ok more confession.  I made Johnny a frozen cheese pizza at 1 am when we were watching the two hour Jersey Shore premiere.  I had two pieces.  That is all.  I was hungry.  Half of a piece of salmon didn't cut it for 6 hours.

So after not running yesterday (settle down, my day off!) Having a small piece of cake, two glasses of wine, and two pieces of cheese pizza....I still weigh the same as yesterday.  Holler!

Happy Sunday to everyone.  Enjoy the day.  I'm going to get a run in before the Bears game and and spend the rest of the afternoon screaming at the television and then tonight Jersey Housewives Reunion Part 2.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I think I had more fish on the drive to Alaska then I have had my whole life!!!
